The Problem is...

..I really don't think people get
whats goin on in here. I will definely
keep this site, as to me its actually
an art peice in itself.
I get the feeling
however, that readers confuse my non-sensical
dialog with the rantings of a complete moron.
Which is, of course, halfway true.
Its actually a shout-out to one of my favorite
art movements dada with a little bit of fluxus flavor
and a pinch of impressionism (in the form of blurry photos)
but no worries...arnheim Lieber will never get too artsy-fartsy on ya'lll...
The proposed title for the so-called art blog is:
drugs, chairs, and mudflaps
it will be based more so on aL's philosophies on art
moreso than they typical art world gossip blather(vomit). is always encouraging.
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