first i had to shorten my name so as not to get associated with a certain Senator who seems to make the news everynow and again.
then i haven't been keeping up with anyone else lately (blogwise)
to top things off i just don't seem to have it anymore
i had this plan to start exercising and taking pictures and showing the results
i got so busy that excercising on top of all my other activities seemed like too much
please don't give up on me as i am struggling to maintain the blog habit along with all the other things life throws at old arnie Leiber
so here are some recent pictures:
before art

after art

Ahhh..much better!
before belly

after belly

-aL out
then i haven't been keeping up with anyone else lately (blogwise)
to top things off i just don't seem to have it anymore
i had this plan to start exercising and taking pictures and showing the results
i got so busy that excercising on top of all my other activities seemed like too much
please don't give up on me as i am struggling to maintain the blog habit along with all the other things life throws at old arnie Leiber
so here are some recent pictures:
before art

after art

Ahhh..much better!
before belly

after belly

-aL out
Wull, uh, yeah, more belly angles would be nice, like, from underneath and from the side, and maybe with some fake tattoos and perhaps some female hands on 'em. 'course, that's just selfish of ME, unnerstand, but anyway...nice to see you back! (or front, as it were)
I didn't know your name is Man-on-Dog-Rick-Santorum. Do you just go by Rick?
Hairy is better.
Female hands! I like that idea!
Cynical girl? what are talking about? Did I miss something? maybe I'm too dumb to figure it out?
I gotta find me a female!
you're ON baby, you're on
first i had to shorten my name so as not to get associated with a certain Senator who seems to make the news everynow and again.
Rick Santorum, Senator from Pennsylvania (how do you spell that?), thinks that gay marriage ia a pathway to beastiality (how do you spell that?).
I just figured that you share the same name.
Is that a bath mat? Can it be that you use one? I think that's amazing because 99.36% of guys that I know have never even seen a bath mat. There must be a woman in that house.
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