"..and the aliens, they believe in god too!" -c. grau
Its been a while...more then a week ago..since the last time I've been here. Well Its not my fault really...I was hanging out with my alien friends.
They showed me some other planets, but first they had to show me how to breathe alien air, its quite different than ours.
I had fun...though I am glad to be back. The syncronicity thing was flipping my mind out so I have to get away for while. Can you blame me?
You can't see stars in New York, and as I complained about it, they appeared.

I was only able to keep one picture, the aliens are kinda shy about that sort of thing. They erased the rest while I was sleeping. I can't tell what it is exactly... i don't remember taking it... so there is no description. You're just gonna have to trust me that it was taken on another planet.
I will get back into it and post everyday again..I promise.
She said, "Why?"
I said. "They ate them?"
She said," Why did you let them eat them?"
I said, "Would you try to stop hungry aliens? Besides, they fed us when we were hungry!"
She said, "You know what? You're right..."
I said, " I am?"
She said, "yep"
I said, "Damn!"
They showed me some other planets, but first they had to show me how to breathe alien air, its quite different than ours.
I had fun...though I am glad to be back. The syncronicity thing was flipping my mind out so I have to get away for while. Can you blame me?
You can't see stars in New York, and as I complained about it, they appeared.

I was only able to keep one picture, the aliens are kinda shy about that sort of thing. They erased the rest while I was sleeping. I can't tell what it is exactly... i don't remember taking it... so there is no description. You're just gonna have to trust me that it was taken on another planet.
I will get back into it and post everyday again..I promise.
She said, "Why?"
I said. "They ate them?"
She said," Why did you let them eat them?"
I said, "Would you try to stop hungry aliens? Besides, they fed us when we were hungry!"
She said, "You know what? You're right..."
I said, " I am?"
She said, "yep"
I said, "Damn!"
im always left. but thats neither here nor anywhere.
I'll see the stars on Sunday/Monday.
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