this post is for my friend artsygrrl, the only person I know in real life that seems to understand this blog.
i was flipping through my old blue notebook and I found this on disheveled pages.

A fun one
it was here
long ago
it was there
once before
it was alright
a minute ago
the good time
is it gone?
no, here it is
you're stepping on it
get off it
set it free
but don't let it go
so talk to it
make it come back
by saying nice things
or making fun of it
or someone else
or bake it cookies
and some milk
and if its a vegan
make it soymilk
and if it doesn't
like milk
then something else
and if it doesn't like cookies
something else
like ice cream
and if its a vegan
then you're fucked
but not really
you could try popsicles
or a snow cone
and if it doesn't
like sweets you could
cook a nice dinner
but make sure you
know what it likes
before you go shopping
or you could take it
out to dinner
but make sure you
know waht kind of
restaraunt because if
it doesn't like
italian food and
you go to an italian
restaraunt then you're
and offer a bottle
of wine or any
beverage they would like
and maybe an appetizer
and maybe dessert
but don't be too nice
because it might get
ridiculous and
and it might get
suspicious and think
you are kissing its ass
and that can be annoying
(in the original notebook entry the words go up the page
sideways but I don't know how to make that happen here)
when someone is being too nice to you
and you begin to wonder why they
are being so nice to you
like maybe they want something
from you and the only way
to get it by being nice to
you, insincerity is a bitch
italisized words were added spontaneously as I was typing and were not part of the original lines
i was flipping through my old blue notebook and I found this on disheveled pages.

A fun one
it was here
long ago
it was there
once before
it was alright
a minute ago
the good time
is it gone?
no, here it is
you're stepping on it
get off it
set it free
but don't let it go
so talk to it
make it come back
by saying nice things
or making fun of it
or someone else
or bake it cookies
and some milk
and if its a vegan
make it soymilk
and if it doesn't
like milk
then something else
and if it doesn't like cookies
something else
like ice cream
and if its a vegan
then you're fucked
but not really
you could try popsicles
or a snow cone
and if it doesn't
like sweets you could
cook a nice dinner
but make sure you
know what it likes
before you go shopping
or you could take it
out to dinner
but make sure you
know waht kind of
restaraunt because if
it doesn't like
italian food and
you go to an italian
restaraunt then you're
and offer a bottle
of wine or any
beverage they would like
and maybe an appetizer
and maybe dessert
but don't be too nice
because it might get
ridiculous and
and it might get
suspicious and think
you are kissing its ass
and that can be annoying
(in the original notebook entry the words go up the page
sideways but I don't know how to make that happen here)
when someone is being too nice to you
and you begin to wonder why they
are being so nice to you
like maybe they want something
from you and the only way
to get it by being nice to
you, insincerity is a bitch
italisized words were added spontaneously as I was typing and were not part of the original lines
Right on!
Wow thanx for the dedimacation of a poem. Lovely...although I think that maybe if u turned the computer upside down the words would've went sideways and wrongways....and maybe even upways?
Shalom aL.
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