delivery...but not quite...

You know, i don't know what i was thinking. Acting so insecure about putting up a picture? Whats the big deal?
I'm sexy! I should be able to put up pictures of whatever i want...right?
I have a sexy eye...

I have sexy fingers...

hell...even my shadow is sexy...remember this one? i mentioned in drugs, chairs, and mudflaps...i will be inTexas next week.
So that means arnheim Lieber will be a robot...
but this robot isn't just any robot, this robot has a human's brain.
The robot's name is Percival.
I am leaving all my blogging rights ( collection of shitty photos) to Percival, and giving total freedom on Is "is" is?, Drugs, Chairs and Mudflaps, and Sowing Dissent.
I think this robot is way smarter than me so if things start to make sense around here...well..i warned you.
like the new photo of you, but the camera in front of the face needs to go.
Baby steps, boy, baby steps. :)
You could always just post them to a buzznet or flickr account, and sort of shruggingly mention their existence, allowing the reader a less HI HERE I AM--JUDGE ME!!! opportunity to see and compliment, etc. The camera obscura (hahaha--see how funny I am? cuz it's obscuring your face?) profile picture gives a good idea of your handsomeness. Come on...
arnheim - so you know - your very easy to look at - there is no need to hide that what cannot be changed.
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