Is "is" isn't?

So i was out of town last week, and instead of leaving Is "is" is? abandoned for seven days, I assigned the task of writing current posts to a dear friend of mine. He/she/it is a robot that goes by the title of {percival}. Well-read on the subjects of philosophy, dog-walking, city parks & recreation, and hover car parallel parking techniques, he/she/it's writing style is quite different than mine. I hope you enjoyed the brief stay of my guest as I will be incharge of posting as usual, once again.
I was hoping to give a thorough overview of things I did while I was visiting Texas, but my memory fades. So hereis an abbreviated list.
Things I did:
-The Chicken Dance (I said "Dad, I will go out there and do the chicken dance if you buy me another beer!")
-Played Disk-golf (not frisbee golf, you will be shunned by the disk community if you refer to the sport that way. Also, you can drink beer, smoke joints, and play disk golf at the same time.)
-Pondered nostalgia (what is it?)
Things I saw:(where)
-a really good band Called El Sexto Sol (the Mixx)
-a really bad band, the band was so bad I wouldn't bother to learn their name (Casbeers)
-drunken old people dancing (college night at NIOSA)
Places I went besides my hometown:
-Lavernia, Texas (used to be a black settlement with ties to the underground railroad)
-Bulverde, Texas (one of the things i like about Texas are towns with names like Bulverde)
-Austin, Texas (Round trip direct flights from JFK $200! Yeee haw!)
Ok, ok. Enough of that.
I kept the female constituency waiting long enough. I left off just when things were about to get freaky in here
much to the delight of my few women readers. It was cute how they got all giddy, so I would hate to let them down.
Well first I'm gonna start off a little slow with a picture of my hands.
I have been told I have sexy hands...hands that can write, type, and draw with a maladjusted precision.
Hands that are also good at massaging, touching, squeezing, rubbing, exploring, finding that right spot, then slowing down,
then wrapping themselves around a curving female form.
This is what they look like when I streeeeetccch.....uhhhhhah! That feels good!

Oh shit, you know what else? I'm adding a band to the List of Bands too fucking good to be on the Grammies a band I saw several months ago and I must've forgotten how badass they are the Transformers.
I got em scrolling, skimming then scrolling!
This is too much fun, really!
Ok here it is the most revealing pic ever on Is "is" is?!
Another body part of arnheim Lieber's that has been classified as sexy.
My shoulder. (the left one)

Ok, you are much too big of a tease.
I might disolve in a puddle of drool, just looking at this much, so you're wise to keep us in the dark.
DAMN. That's a hot picture. Although it's the jaw line, facial hair that does it for me. And those stretching arms aren't bad either.
Glad you made it back from cowyboy land in safety.
Ok...I had to come back for another look.
Also, I grew curious about your moniker, wondering why you don't capitalize the first, but you do the last...wondering if it's a name or a word, or what. So, of course, I googled it, because that's how all of life's great riddles are answered in this new-fangled era, and. The first hit was MY page. ha. That made me chuckle. So, I got nowhere with my discovery mission because I am easily distracted.
Disk golf? No way.
Oh great, there goes my concentration for the day. Hands, shoulders, and lips, nice, will accept more!
(now compulsively checking photos and wiping drool off chin)
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