tagged, i'm it again...

Ok... if I tagg myself again, I don't have to tag anyone else. (...thanks cynical girl)
So here goes, Ten more wierdo things about arnheim Lieber.
1. When we were at the disk golf course, i had a choice between using public facilities and the woods...
of course, I chose to pee in the woods (it's been a while since I've gotten to do such a thing)
2. The street I live on (pictured above) is called Taaffe Place, pronounced like Taffy.
3. I now have two pairs of headphones, one pair for when I'm wearing a hat, and another for no hat.
4. I have a strange fascination with girls that are referred to as "ghetto". When I see them on the train I turn down
the volume on my walkman so i can overhear what they are saying. The whole thing from how they dress, the things they talk about, their broken use of the english language, the way they talk really loud and they just go on and say whatever the fuck they want. Something about it is very interesting how they have this street toughness and still maintain their girly-ness. Sometimes I wonder what would happen if I just went up to them and started talking to them. (i've actually tried this experiment)
5. Today I took some pictures of before and after my shower. It was a weird feeling, objectifying myself like that. Then, entertaining the possibility of posting these images of myself. It was creeping me out...but there was also something very hott about it...
6. I have an unusual luck when it comes to getting things for free...I'm good at it! I never seem to have enough money and i'm not very materialistic although I like owning things...it just happens! People give me free stuff all the time! There's something extremely satifying about getting things and paying no money for it. The less effort it takes, the more satifying the experience. For instance, yesterday, some guy I don't even know, gave me some of that green tobacco stuff that makes your eyes turn red and give you the munchies...for free! No money exchanged our hands! He gave it to me, he didn't say... "hey we can smoke this together", he handed it to me and walked away! It was good shit too! I think had an innner orgasm after that.
7. My room is a mess, my finances...a mess, I am one of the most unorganized and disorderly people I know and I never seem to be fully on top of anything...but there are two things I never let go out of control: my bulk email folder and my voicemail box. I clear that shit out like I'm deathly allergic to old, useless messages...
8. Once i made a drawing...and we can argue whether its a drawing or not...that was done on a brown paper bag from
Crown Fried Chicken. I wrote on it, something like..."I realize I am nothing more than an indulgent beast as I sit here, drink coffee, smoke a bowl, take a shit, and read at the same time..." then when you open the flap at the bottom I wrote..."while listening to an electronic remix of Pink Floyd"
9. I took the drawing described in #8 and showed it to a group of friends. The conversation/ argument was videotaped...as one girl's face turned red with anger, and another guy was like like "What the fuck is this?!?!" I actually defended the drawing pretty well. I don't know what happened to the footage, but I do know someone took the footage and edited it and used it for a class. I never saw the edited video of it...but I still have the drawing!
10. Other girly bands I like: Cat Power, Mazzy Star, Portishead, Esthero, Morcheeba, Aretha Franklin, Nina Simone, and of course...Bjork. (this list goes on...)
Ok thats it! I am free from the shackles of listing, tagging, and all that other good stuff!
Stay tuned for more non-sensical, inspirational, heartbreaking, intensely amotivational, purple signifiers of eternal rot and doom...
Alright, stop playin' with our girlie emotions and post those nekked pics already!
Dude, Mona. This is downright silly. I'm like your (panting) side kick, going, "yeah, yeah. do it. yeah!"
But what I was originally going to say was, "number five gave me a rare-for-me lopsided smile." And as for number six: "retail" is a pretty major cuss word in my house. NOTHING beats the high of getting a good deal. Except getting a good deal on getting high...ha...
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