samtsirhc table, samtsirhc set-up

As you know here on "Is", we are big fans of napkin notes. so on this here napkin you can see an illustration as to how to prepare for samtsirhc.
Every year a new samtsirch color is determined by the spinning of a twister wheel.
Blue, green, yellow or red.
Which color will it be this year?
The samtsirhc tree is painted the samtsirc color for the year then
hung above the samtsirhc table.
guests to the designated samtsirhc party are advised to bring along the following:
un-presents: things that can be consumed (food, drinks and drugs) in celebration of the holiday.
not-gifts: presents that are not purchased (found objects, pocket trinkets and other ephemera) that are exchanged after a few rounds of drunken twister.
Un-presents are placed on top of the samtsirhc table.
Not-gifts go underneath the samtsirhc table.
In preparation for the first ever samptsirhc, I am planning the making of a video
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