black lacquer, devo, and life in a fishtank

don't be freaked out, its an water filtration sytem, not somebody urinating.
I'm gonna go off on some hallucinogenic surrealist bullshit now...
so please...don't mind me.

controlled by static fluids of untapped resources
they float
according to unfullfilled 80s bands
pissed off arrogants flaunt their cash
until its all gone.
billed once too many times the fish cut off their own
i knew a girl that was obsessed with fish heads
she drew them and made charts
i thought she was pretty cool but
she assumed I was hitting on her
i don't know maybe i was
even though she was a square
simple oce before
but forgotten and stolen
celebrating interconnectivity
was too long ago a pasttime
shoot, shoot, gone
was does that mean mr. b?