Smashing Out the Cigarette Butt with the Front Bottom of Your Shoe.

Ahhhh...its a beautiful day in Brooklyn!
Known for its crime rate, people with funny accents, and...uuummm...
to be frank, I don't know what else Brooklyn is known for.
But I can tell you a couple of things about this place that I appreciate:
The way the sun bounces off Public Housing Projects(pictured above)
and the interesting little piles of trash that accumulate on the sides of things.

Fucking Brilliant!
Public sculpture at its best! Indeed my friends!

I also get a kick out of things like...

Kosher Barbeque flavored corn chips!
Hell yeah! I'm not jewish but for some reason..they taste better, although not the case with
all kosher products.
also did you notice the brandname of the chips? Yup.
The same as my last name! Fancy that!
Other things that are good to know about-
but you can find these things anywhere..

T-shirts that advertise your favorite inexpensive alcoholic beverage...
and these telephone directories (see previous blog) distributed by various companies that magically appear at your doorstep once or twice a year.

Say Bye-Bye to these because
they are just about obsolete with the widespread popularity of the internet.
I added a new link to the little sidebar thingy...Mouths wide open.
I read about them this morning in Time Out NY and I think what they're doing is great. Can you think of something better to do with little plastic soldiers?
I can't.
Ok well time for another non-sensical exit...
Brought to you by Lieber's Kosher Food Products!
Larry: Hey Mary!
Mary: Yes Larry?
Larry: Wanna get married?
Mary: Not really...but..ok!
Larry: Wait a minute! You don't want to have children do you?
Mary: Larry! I thought I told you I wanted children!
Larry: Well..damn..can I take that proposal back?
Mary: Ok...I don't give a shit...
Larry: Plus..don't you think its weird..all our friends will refer to us as Larry and Mary.
Mary: Yeah..your right..
Larry: Ah fuck it! Lets get married anyways!
Mary: OK!